Altered State...

If you look up the dictionary definition of an Altar - the following is stated:

”the table in a Christian church at which the bread and wine are consecrated in communion services”


“table or flat-topped block used as the focus for a religious ritual, especially for making sacrifices or offerings to a deity”

My interpretation of this means either somewhere to worship God - that being the Christian God, or typically, in other extremes to make sacrifice to Deities of a non-Christian variety!

So it might then be a little surprising for you to hear that today, for the first time in a little while, I built/rebuilt my personal Altar. Now since none of the above two reasons for building an Altar have ever really personally spoken to me, I took my own path with a little guidance from my personal experience, intuition, learning and that of some of my all time favourite teachers and some newer ones.

One of the most favourite paths on my journey so far has definitely been the discovery of ritual and ceremony. These practices go way, way back to Shamanic, Pagan and Wiccan times before Christianity became lets say, ‘popular’ (and we’ll leave it there, as that’s a whole other story).

The Shamans, Pagans and Wiccans were, in short, ancient medicine men and women, living in deep reverence of the Earth and her cycles. They practiced ritual, divination and healing both with and in honour of her. They intrinsically believed that we are part of her, part of nature - not separate from her.

Ritual, although today sadly too often associated with the aforementioned sacrifice of living things, to me simply put is a ‘focus for our intentions’.

Creating ritual and ceremony around our intentions via the creation of an Altar only gives them more power.

It is about taking focus, power and creation into our own hands, knowing that we are part of the divinity which created us (whatever that looks or feels like for you) and working with that, or rather allowing that to work through us.


I used the four elements with my Altar in keeping with the ancient traditions of Shamans, Wiccans and Pagans. These represent the four ‘directions’ or elements (earth, air, fire, water) and spirit or ether. You can even put them in the exact locations (using the compass on your iPhone) if you like, or just freestyle. Whatever feels right. This is definitely one for feeling not thinking!!

I meticulously cleaned and smudged (smudging - the burning of sacred herbs, plants, woods to energetically cleanse a space and invite positive energy) my items, my room, myself and inadvertently my dog!

I chanted, drummed and sat in still contemplation as I asked the cleansed items to be accepted by spirit. I stated my intention for each of them and the parts of my life's journey they represented and what I wanted them to represent for me, and the lives of those I wish to touch going forward.

I felt each sacred item buzz with vital energy in my hands, tears filled my eyes and gratitude my heart as I placed them one by one upon the Altar. It is so, so powerful to hold each item in your hands, infusing them with your intent and asking spirit out loud to accept this (insert item) as a representation of (insert intention) as you place it on your Altar - Intending out loud for your intentions to be of the highest of good for all.


You’ll know the things that call to be placed on your Altar and the reasons. This can be anything from photos, candles, family mementos, jewellery, incense, sacred waters to items that are representational of the four elements. You can add, remove and change items that feel misaligned to you and your intention at any time. Use your intuition, it is your best guide.


Mine sits on a table in my kitchen, on a beautiful mirrored tray and I get to see it every morning. I light an incense stick on it daily and give gratitude for it, to it and vicariously to myself for having created this sacred space of focus and intention. That’s another really important thing, you don't just build an Altar and leave it, you ‘feed’ it. It is after all, infused with the time and intention you put into creating it. It has power. Much like the Hindu Mūrti’s of the gods and goddesses, or the spirit houses in Thailand. It is time-honoured to offer gratitudes before asking for help from the Divine in the form of fruit, eggs and incense etc....this is the same.


From the creation of an Altar for the safe delivery of a baby, for fertility, love, personal, business or spiritual aspirations and goals, to the mock-up of a future book you wish to write...

An Altar is an ‘Altered space’, physically, vibrationally, and energetically. A space that fosters empowerment, focus, connection, creation, belief and faith in ourselves and in that which guides us...

We are living in a time where everything is seemingly so transient. Creating ceremony and ritual really helps us to feel we are on more stable ground. It gives us focus and empowerment amidst the challenges of daily living and the lower frequencies of life. Ceremony and ritual really help us rediscover a deeper meaning and connection with the sacred. This makes it a super powerful transformational tool for the times we find ourselves living in.

Use your Altar and the items on it as sacred. Light a candle or incense on it, adorn it with fresh or daily flowers. Meditate, say prayers, mantra or affirmations near it. Use the items on it as supercharged talismans for your intention. They are infused with the energy and creation from your ritual and the time and effort you took to create it. In essence, your Altar is a ‘living’ thing.

It is my hope to inspire you to delve into, or at least be curious about the beautiful and powerful ritual that is the creation of your very own ‘Altered Space’. In Altering your space, may it Altar your State and may your every hope, dream, wish and intention take flight and soar xx


The Message…


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